Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Philosophy, Reflections, and Community Planning

You are allowed to have numerous children under the limit of ten, because more would be difficult to take care of so many. Babysitters are not encouraged because we want families to take of their own children (there are exceptions) but there is day care for those who work irregular hours. Marriage is encouraged and is a sacred matter. Therefore, divorce is not supported, unless there is a grave accusation. If there is, it will be taken to the court. In other words, the last resort in marriage is divorce. You can take breaks from each other, but divorce is certainly not smiled upon. As long as you're married, pregnancy is not a problem, but we highly recommend you wait a year upon marriage to make sure you're comfortable with that person enough to support children. This is a matter taken seriously.

You can practice any religion you desire, as long as that does not interfere with others' daily lives. There are temples, synagogues, churches, and other places of worship around the community. It is your choice to become publicly associated with any religion or not. Nor are you required to have any religion. We chose to allow you to practice any religion you want because we encourage individualism and the making of your own decisions. You are allowed to carry religious items publicly and privately. Religious societies are allowed to meet but cannot trespass on private property. Also, cannibalism and other physically sacrificial ceremonies are prohibited.

We will not discriminate against any race at all. The application process will be the same for each individual regardless of race, gender, or physical appearance. Business owners have the right to choose their employees, but should any sign of discrimination appear, there will be immediate consequences.

Concerning political views, you have to be respectful of others' views because they have to be respectful of yours. If you seriously disrespect someone's view publicly, this matter will appear in the minor court. 

The primary language is English, but in schools you are required to learn at least one different language. If English is not your first language, then you will be placed in a special home until you learn the language enough to join the community.

Wealth depends on your job, its danger, and how well you perform. Houses are based on family size and are paid for by the government with your taxes, but you decide how it is going to be decorated. Our main means of transportation are bicycles and monorails in order to be environmentally friendly and economic. There is a lower class, middle class, and upper class. Most residents are middle- and upper-class financially.

Once the elderly cannot take care of themselves, they can be placed in a special nursing home.

If a resident of Open Drip Community wishes to vacation, they just have to notify the government one week prior to leaving. 

Our philosophy:

We founded this community so that people in search of peace from the rest of the world may find it. Each person brings something unique to the community. Open Drip Community's philosophy is 'Attitude Determines Altitude'. The way one behaves affects how far he or she will get in life. Because our residents desire peace and sanctuary, our island flourishes and is truly a tropical paradise.

Reflection on 'No Man Is An Island':

This poem is saying that, first of all, humans are social creatures. Secondly, one life is part of a whole web of lives closely intertwined. So if one life is lost, the whole web is affected. It shifts. The web is diminished and not the same because of that life lost. But we should be prepared for our own death, because man is mortal, and we are all human. Your life might be the next one to be lost.

Being a Community Planner:

Community planning is a technical and political process in which people plan cities in order to keep them orderly (according to the Wikipedia website under Urban Planning).

Being a community planner takes work! Some of the tasks planners have to do are conduct interviews, surveys and site inspections that affect land usage, such as zoning, traffic, and housing; participate and support team planning (athletic or academic), and make reports using facts given to plan things such as population and housing, maintain files and records on data.

Community planners should be blunt, realistic, prepared and organized, avoid jargon, balance between different groups, encourage others, be able to communicate well, able to make this a group project, etc. 


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