Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The government of Open Drip Community is a parliamentary monarchy. Its monarchs are Princess Leanna and Princess Abigail, who share equal power.

Parliament is divided into two branches: judicial and legislative. The judicial branch enforces the laws that the legislative branch makes. Monarchs have the power to veto laws passed by the legislative branch and also control the military (which is every able-bodied man over eighteen and under fifty-five in times of national threat). However, the legislative branch controls the financial aspect of running a country. They make the national budget. Deciding whether an offense of a law is excusable is the judicial branch's task. The monarchs and legislative branch have to abide by the courts' decision.

Monarchs pick those on the Supreme Court for a term of ten years or a life sentence. There are seven jury members and one judge. Trials are not witnessed by the general public for reasons of privacy.  There is a minor court, though, and its members are elected by the people in a democratic election. The judicial branch also includes a special law enforcement squad called SLES. They do not kill on a mission, but rather capture.

The seriousness of the punishment depends on the circumstances and gravity of the crime. The punishment for stealing is working office hours at whoever you stole from for an appointed amount of time decided by the court. Killing in self-defense or accidentally is excusable, provided there is enough evidence to clear your name of murder charges. If an offender has done something horrific, like a serial killer, they receive a death sentence and are thrown into the volcano. Death sentences are given rarely.We don't actually have prisons, because we believe in community service. That way, the offender can give back to the community instead of sitting in a prison.

If a person with a disability killed someone, then they would be contained and sent immediately to a medical facility until further notice. Since health care is free, that is not an issue. 

The legislative branch, or Senate, has two groups: conservatives and liberals, Reds and Blues. There are one hundred members of the Senate, fifty Blues and fifty Reds. In order to pass a law, there must be a majority of fifty-five votes.

1 comment:

  1. I love the detail. It was extremely well writen. Great job!!

    ~Clara~ ;)
