Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is Perfect? Alternative Post

Perfection is having all desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics. It is being as good as it is possible to be, being something completely free from faults or defects, or to complete the requirements of a condition absolutely. The President in the Hunger Games, an aspiring utopia, attempts to make his community perfect in all aspects, but ultimately reaps devastating failure. Perfection means not too little or too much, but just right.


  1. sounds a little like "Goldilocks"--juuuust right??????

  2. yalls blog is perrrty :)!!!!!! NB <3

  3. I loved this posted and how you discribed what perfection is to y'all.

  4. Personally, I like this post and how you were descriptive and you described what perfect was/meant to you.

  5. perfection is in the eyes of the beholder

  6. I believe you description is "perfect". Especially since you involved the Hunger Games!! I do love it. anna
